Grace. Simple elegance, a smile, courteous goodwill, a circle that surrounds us, moments of blessing, a hug or a text from a loved one or a stranger that meets the needs of your soul. Grace is experiencing the divine through people and places that inspire regeneration, virtuous impulses, and the strength to endure the difficult trials of life. Grace is God-gifted yet sometimes hard to find, or see, or experience…but it is always there if we look for it. How do I know? Because it was promised by the one God who put on the skin of humanity to walk among us “full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
Through our monthly rhythm, we’ll take a long look at Grace every Wednesday and we’ll build our muscle that realizes God’s Grace around us, and Jesus’ presence with us in the most mundane or even in the hardest experiences. My hope is that scripture, stories, Marty quotes, songs and this blog will inspire you to see moments of Grace in your day, good or bad, fun or difficult. Grace is amazing because it abounds, it is all around us. Grace is amazing because it can be glimpsed for a moment or a string of moments. Amazing Grace is God’s gift to us that we get to share with each other.
Grace Between the Lines…
Stories of Grace: Vicar Carol Pretorius
Grace abounds when Christ is the center of one’s life and healing. That story is told today through life and experiences of Vicar Carol Pretorius. Vicar Carol is currently a Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (TEEM) Candidate serving at St. Peter’s,...
The Master’s Hand
Do you believe that we live in the company of Grace? Do you believe that Grace lives all around us if we but look for it and/or are open to seeing or hearing it? Here’s a story of another lesson learned that confirms this truth for me… My family went on vacation the...
…Your grace abounds in deepest watersYour sovereign handWill be my guideWhere feet may fail and fear surrounds meYou’ve never failedAnd You won’t start now… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj4_JHHuOls