Welcome to the Leadership Development and Congregational Care Webpage!
Welcome to a space for empowerment, exploration, encouragement, growth, development, and resources. NWOS Cares is for PEOPLE who seek and are on the path of discovering Christian PURPOSE with the rest of us; those who are leaders in serving a PARISH or Parishes, and for those seeking PERSPECTIVE on those elements of leadership for which we bear responsibility.
The Northwestern Ohio Synod is committed to resourcing leaders who work and minister throughout the 160 parishes of this synod which are located in 7 conferences across 23 counties of northwestern Ohio. Our partnership together as congregational council leaders and executive teams, rostered ministers (Ministers of Word and Sacrament – Pastors, and Ministers of Word and Service – Deacons), and synod staff is key to our ability to minister to and with our parishes as the growing disciples we are called to be, and effective leaders we need to be as we care for and serve our respective communities.
We are committed to shared leadership, and we want to offer individual leaders and groups of leaders, resources that will build confidence, skills and partnership with us and with other leaders in this synod.
Resourcing God’s People

Grace Between the Lines…
Grace. Simple elegance, a smile, courteous goodwill, a circle that surrounds us, moments of blessing, a hug or a text from a loved one or a stranger that meets the needs of your soul. Grace is experiencing the divine through people and places that inspire regeneration, virtuous impulses, and the strength to endure the difficult trials of life. Grace is God-gifted yet sometimes hard to find, or see, or experience…but it is always there if we look for it. How do I know? Because it was promised by the one God who put on the skin of humanity to walk among us “full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)