
Story-telling. Think about it. Think about the power of a story to convey a message or give a verbal picture that impacts your emotions. I bet there’s a conversation, a professor’s lecture in school, a sermon, or some presentation that has stuck in your mind for years or that you found profoundly life-changing…and I also bet it was riveted in a story.

Stories of Grace are like that too.

When people share stunning moments of God’s presence, or amazing moments of connection with the almighty, it is a powerful reminder that the Holy Spirit is constantly at work in the most mysterious and profound ways.

I hope you’ll take 11 minutes to listen to Led Black’s story shared on Sunday’s Moth Radio Hour. It is a relevant story of rebirth after really difficult times, a relevant story of Grace in the midst of devastation that altered several lives forever.

As we recover from the ravages of Covid-19, it is so important to remember that resilience, grit and rebirth are ours because we believe in and serve a God of resurrection and new life; a God who brings life out of death and renaissance out of a pandemic.

I hope you enjoy!